V.A. (Robin Dransfield, Roy Harris etc) / The Tale Of Ale (The Story Of The Englishman And His Beer) SOLD OUT 管理番号 2L-12785 在庫数 SOLD OUT *** 2LP : UK 1977 / Free Reed / FRRD 023/024 *** ■ コンディション ■ B+ / A ジャケット:非コーティング薄手の見開きジャケットです。表裏わずかな薄シミ、薄汚れ。中面中央部経年の薄シミ。シミのためB+としましたが、全体にまずまずきれいな印象のA-寄りの良品です。 ディスク:新品同様極美品です。 12ページのブックレット付属。 「ザ・テイル・オブ・エイル(ザ・ストーリー・オブ・ジ・イングリッシュマン・アンド・ヒズ・ビア)」。 英国のビールに関する歌を集めた2枚組の大作です。 トラッド研究家/ミュージシャンのヴィック・ギャモンが選曲、アレンジをしています。 ロビン・ドランスフィールド(バリーはフィドルで参加)、ピーター・ベラミー、ロイ・ハリス、パム・ギルダー、ヴィック・ギャモン等々がヴォーカルを担当。 ということでビールを飲みながら聴くには最高のアルバムです!! 英国オリジナル盤。12ページのブックレット付属。銅版画がたっぷり収録されていてこれだけでも2000円ぐらいの価値がありそうな感じ。 A1 Eddie Upton, Pam Gilder and Musica Inebriata- Bring Us In Good Ale A2 Joby Blanshard / Michael Smee- Andrew Boorde On Ale A3 Oriana (4)- Come Drink To Me A4 Robin Dransfield and Musica Inebriata- Jolly Good Ale And Old A5 William Rushton- He That Buys Land A6 Peter Wood (5) and Musica Inebriata- The Merry Fellows A7 Peter Bellamy and Musica Inebriata- Soldiers Three A8 Oriana (4)- Tapster, Drinker A9 Joby Blanshard- The Tunnyng Of Elynour Rummyng A10 Eddie Upton and Musica Inebriata- A Knotte Of Good Fellows A11 Michael Smee- Andrew Boorde On Beer A12 John Foreman (2) and Musica Inebriata- London's Ordinary A13 Michael Smee- A Brewer's Epitpah A14 Oriana (4)- Honest Malt Liquor B1 Peter Wood (5) and Musica Inebriata- The Malt's Come Down B2 Michael Smee- Stubbes On Drunkenness B3 Robin Dransfield and Barry Dransfield- Good Ale For My Money B4 Eddie Upton and Musica Inebriata- The Excise Ballad B5 William Rushton, Michael Smee- The Porter From MacBeth B6 Eddie Upton, Pam Gilder, Vic Gammon and The Pump and Pluck Band- Peas, Beans, Oats, And The Barley B7 Peter Wood (5)- The Pleasant Ballad Of John Barleycorn B8 Pam Gilder and The Pump and Pluck Band- Now Harvest Is Over B9 Musica Inebriata- The British Toper C1 Roy Harris and The Pump and Pluck Band- Nottingham Ale C2 William Rushton- Bickerdyke On Temperance C3 Oriana (4)- Catch: O Ale Ab Alendo C4 Vic Gammon and The Pump and Pluck Band- John Barleycorn C5 Peter Wood (5), Ian Russell and Vic Gammon- Ye Mar'ners All C6 William Rushton- A Brewer's Epitaph C7 Pam Gilder and The Pump and Pluck Band- Poor Tom Is Dead And Gone C8 Eddie Upton- There's Comfort In A Drop Of Gin C9 Joby Blanshard / Michael Smee- The London Gin Distillery C10 Pam Gilder and Vic Gammon- Don't Go Out Tonight, Dear Father C11 William Rushton- The Drunkard's Looking Glass C12 Roy Harris- Ale, Ale, Glorious Ale C13 Eddie Upton and The Pump and Pluck Band- I Likes A Drop Of Good Beer D1 Vic Gammon and The Pump and Pluck Band- The Carter's Health D2 Robin Dransfield and The Pump and Pluck Band- Hey, John Barleycorn D3 Vic Gammon- Here's A Health To The Mistress D4 William Rushton / Joby Blanshard / Michael Smee- Meux's Porter Vat D5 John Foreman (2) and Vic Gammon- A Pot Of Porter D6 Vic Gammon, Eddie Upton and The Pump and Pluck Band- I've Been To France / Here's A Health Unto Master D7 Roy Harris and The Pump and Pluck Band- The Man That Waters The Worker's Beer D8 Peter Bellamy and The Pump and Pluck Band- October Brew D9 Pam Gilder and The Pump and Pluck Band- John Appleby D10 Joby Blanshard- A Drinker's Epitaph D11 John Foreman (2) and The Pump and Pluck Band- Charley Mopps D12 Eddie Upton and The Pump and Pluck Band- This Is Our Mistress' Health D13 Vic Gammon and The Pump and Pluck Band- Michael Blann's Drinking Song D14 The Pump and Pluck Band- The British Toper Phonographic Copyright ? - Free Reed Records Ltd Copyright ? - Free Reed Music Made By - Free Reed Records Ltd Vocals [Sung By] - Eddie Upton, John Foreman (2), Musica Inebriata, Oriana (4), Pam Gilder, Peter Bellamy, Peter Wood (5), Robin Dransfield, Roy Harris, The Pump and Pluck Band, Vic Gammon Vocals [Voices] - David Maxwell (7) (tracks: A3, A8, A14, C3), John Mingay (tracks: A3, A8, A14, C3), Penny Maxwell (tracks: A3, A8, A14, Backing Vocals [Choruses] - Eddie Upton (tracks: B6, B8, C1, C4, C7, C13, D1, D2, D6 to D9, D11 to D14), Ian Russell (tracks: B6, B8, C1, C4, C7, C13, D1, D2, D6 to D9, D11 to D14), Pam Gilder (tracks: B6, B8, C1, C4, C7, C13, D1, D2, D6 to D9, D11 to D14), Vic Gammon (tracks: B6, B8, C1, C4, C7, C13, D1, D2, D6 to D9, D11 to D14) Bassoon - Rory Forsyth (tracks: A1, A4, A6, A7, A10, A12, B1, B4, B9) Cittern, Bouzouki - Vic Gammon (tracks: A1, A4, A6, A7, A10, A12, B1, B4, B9) Compiled By, Written-By, Arranged By - Vic Gammon Concertina [Anglo-concertina], Bandoneon, Organ [Mouth Organ] - Will Duke (tracks: B6, B8, C1, C4, C7, C13, D1, D2, D6 to D9, D11 to D14) Concertina [Bass English Concertina], Percussion - Sheila Magill (tracks: B6, B8, C1, C4, C7, C13, D1, D2, D6 to D9, D11 to D14) Fiddle - Keith Phillips (5) (tracks: A1, A4, A6, A7, A10, A12, B1, B4, B9) Piano - Geoff Hedger (tracks: C12) Recorder - Kathryn Cox (tracks: A1, A4, A6, A7, A10, A12, B1, B4, B9) Tenor Banjo, Trombone - Ian Russell (tracks: B6, B8, C1, C4, C7, C13, D1, D2, D6 to D9, D11 to D14) Melodeon, Concertina [Baritone English Concertina], Banjo - Vic Gammon (tracks: B6, B8, C1, C4, C7, C13, D1, D2, D6 to D9, D11 to D14) Narrator [Told By] - Joby Blanshard, Michael Smee, William Rushton Percussion - Tony Pepler (tracks: A1, A4, A6, A7, A10, A12, B1, B4, B9), Tony Pepler (tracks: B6, B8, C1, C4, C7, C13, D1, D2, D6 to D9, D11 to D14) Performer [Musica Inebriata] - Kathryn Cox, Keith Phillips (5), Rory Forsyth, Tony Pepler, Vic Gammon Performer [Oriana] - David Maxwell (7), John Mingay, Penny Maxwell Performer [The Pump And Pluck Band] - Eddie Upton, Ian Russell, Pam Gilder, Sheila Magill, Tony Pepler, Vic Gammon, Will Duke Producer, Engineer - Nic Kinsey Design [Sleeve Design] - Sue Dransfield Photography By [Front Sleeve Photography Reproduced By Permission Of] - Beamish Open Air Museum Lacquer Cut By - Porky (5) Liner Notes - Vic Gammon ※ご注文商品の発送は、毎週水曜日、土曜日に行っています。 ※コンディション表記は、「ジャケット / 盤質」の順になっております。 ★ご注文受付のメールが届かない場合 ご注文後通常は数分以内に「ご注文ありがとうございます」という自動メールが届きます。このメールが届かない場合はサイトの「お問い合わせ」からお電話番号を添えてその旨ご連絡ください。 ご登録いただいたメールアドレスの入力間違いか、受信拒否設定をされていることが原因のことが多いです。 またまれにスマートフォンのキャリアメール(docomo.ne.jp, ezweb.ne.jp, softbank.ne.jp等)宛のメールが届かないことがあります。 この商品について問い合わせる この商品を友達に教える 買い物を続ける ツイート この商品をログピでつぶやく Yahoo!ブックマークに登録する はてなブックマークに登録する