管理番号 |
2L-12774 | 商品ID | 169005828 |
販売価格 |
2,480円(税込) |
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2L-12774 - Keith Dewhurst & The Albion Band / Lark Rise To Candleford - 2,480円(税込)
*** LP : UK 1980 / Charisma / CDS 4020 ***
■ コンディション ■
A / A
マトリクスはA//1 B//1。
[Lark Rise]
A1 The Girl I Left Behind Me
A2a Lemady
Arranged By - Carthy
Guitar [Solo] - Doug Morter
Lead Vocals - Martin Carthy
A2b Arise And Pick A Posy
Guitar [Solo] - Doug Morter
Lead Vocals - Martin Carthy
A3 All Of A Row
Arranged By - Carthy
Lead Vocals - Martin Carthy
A4 Tommytoes
Banjo - Martin Simpson
Concertina - John Kirkpatrick
Lead Vocals - John Tams
Written-By - Dewhurst
A5 John Dory
Written-By - Dewhurst
A6 Witch Elder
Lead Vocals - Shirley Collins
Written-By - Dewhurst, Collins
A7 All Of A Row (Reprise)
Arranged By - Carthy
A8 Abroad For Pleasure
Lead Vocals - Bill Caddick
A9 The Day Thou Gavest
A10 Battle Of The Somme
Harmonica - John Tams
Lead Guitar - Graeme Taylor
A11 The Grand Circle Dance
Arranged By - John Watcham
Concertina - John Kirkpatrick
Jew's Harp - Martin Carthy
Melodeon - John Tams
Voice [Calls] - Ashley Hutchings
B1 Speed The Plough
Euphonium - Steve Saunders
Melodeon - John Kirkpatrick
Trumpet - Howard Evans
B2 Snow Falls
Lead Vocals - John Tams
B3 Cart Music
B4 The Holly And The Ivy
B5 Postmans Knock
Lead Vocals - John Kirkpatrick
B6 Hunt Music
Accordion - John Kirkpatrick
Trumpet - Howard Evans
B7 Scarlet And The Blue
Lead Vocals - John Tams
Lead Vocals [Verse 2] - Bill Caddick
Piano - Brian Protheroe
B8 Dare To Be A Daniel
Guitar [Solo] - Graeme Taylor
Lead Vocals - John Tams
Lead Vocals [Verse 2] - Bill Caddick
Written-By - Moody, Sankey
B9 Jacob's Well
Arranged By - Protheroe
B10 Jacob's Well (Reprise)
Arranged By - Protheroe
Written-By - Tams (tracks: A4, A5, B2, B3, B7), Trad. (tracks: A1 to A3, A7 to B1, B4 to B6, B8 to B10)
Written-By [Lark Rise To Candleford] - Flora Thompson
Written-By [Narrative By] - Keith Dewhurst
Written-By [Plays By] - Keith Dewhurst
Accordion [Button Accordian], Concertina, Melodeon - John Kirkpatrick
Arranged By - The Albion Band (tracks: A1, A2b, A8, A10 to B1, B4 to B6, B8)
Banjo - Martin Simpson
Bass Guitar - Ashley Hutchings
Design [Cover] - Chess Creative
Drums - Michael Gregory (2)
Electric Guitar - Doug Morter, Graeme Taylor
Engineer - Alan Jakoby
Executive Producer - Alexandra Cann, Michael Mc Donagh
Keyboards - Brian Protheroe, Pete Bullock
Melodeon, Harmonica - John Tams
Photography [Front Cover] - Roger Perry
Photography [Inside Pictures] - Brian Windsor, Michael Mayhew
Producer - Nic Rowley
Producer [Associate] - Ashley Hutchings, John Tams
Triangle - Bill Caddick
Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba - Steve Saunders
Trumpet, Flugelhorn - Howard Evans
Vocals - Ashley Hutchings, Bill Caddick, Brian Protheroe, Graeme Taylor, John Kirkpatrick, John Tams, Martin Carthy, Shirley Collins
Voice [Boamer] - Bill Caddick
Voice [Edmund Timms] - Paul Davies-Prowles
Voice [Jerry Parish] - John Tams
Voice [Laura's Father, Albert] - Brian Protheroe
Voice [Laura's Husband, John] - Brian Protheroe
Voice [Laura] - Valerie Whittington
Voice [Pumpkin] - Brian Protheroe
Voice [The Vicar] - Brian Protheroe
Voice [Thomas Brown, Postman] - Martin Carthy
A Country Tapestry - From The National Theatre Adaptation Of Flora Thompson's Classic Trilogy. ? 1979.
Recorded in the spring and summer of 1980 at the Regent's Park Recording Co Studios St Johns Wood London.
'Lark Rise To Candleford' published by The Oxford University Press and in paperback as a Penguin Modern Classic. Plays published by Hutchinson Publications.
Album produced for the Regents Park Recording Company
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